Because life doesn`t go in reverse.

Colin Foo as “Jimmy Z”

Colin FooColin Foo

Colin Foo was born comedian.  He performs impersonations of Elvis, Liberace, Elton John and Donny Osmond, Foo also has an impressive list of credits that range from two different gender roles in Mina Shum’s heartwarming drama “Long Life, Happiness and Prosperity” (Leo nomination), to a recurring role in “Robson Arms” (Leo Nomination), and roles in “The Truth About Miranda”, “Just Smile and Nod”, “Scooby Doo 2”, “A Great Upstanding Member”, and “MXP: Most Extreme Primate”. Other credits include the series lead in the Comedy Network show “The Unprofessionals” (Leo nomination), and principal roles in the feature films “A Muppet Christmas Show”, “A Guy Thing”, “Saving Silverman”, “Antitrust” and “Romeo Must Die”. Other television credits include a recurring role in the still widely-syndicated series “Madison”, and co-starring roles in “Mysterious Ways”, “Voyage of the Unicorn” and “Seven Days”.

Colin plays Jimmy Z in PARKED.